$25,000 Aftermath Project Photography Grant

Veterans have a unique perspective. They have seen things that many others may only read about in books, especially if they have served during war time or in conflicts. If they also have a passion for photography, this unique perspective may help them qualify for the $25,000 Aftermath Project Photography Grant. You can apply for the grant online. To apply, click here.

Most people only see one side of war or conflict. They don’t know the other side and what it is like to be a veteran or a soldier who is part of the conflict or fighting, or to witness the aftermath of conflict. The focus of the Aftermath Project Photography Grant is to help shed light on that other side that most people never get exposed to. The grant has been awarded for years, helping people to share the other side of the story and shed light on what it’s like to be there after the conflict takes place. With the experience veterans have, they can offer a unique perspective that may even be therapeutic for themselves.

About the Photography Grant

The most important thing when it comes to this grant is that you have a passion for photography. If you enjoy sharing the world and views with people through images, this may be the perfect grant for you. The Aftermath Project awards a $25,000 grant each year to someone who will share the aftermath of conflict, destruction, or war, after the incident has taken place.  The person will share the story through the photographic images that they took. The winner will not only receive the grant funds to support their project, but their photography will be put on display at a photo festival.

The aftermath of what should be shared through your photographic images is the rebuilding period. You should be able to share with people how those involved in the conflict were able to rebuild, restore their society, and address the wounds from war or conflict.  Since 2008, the Aftermath Project has been awarding photographers who can share the stores in the aftermath of destruction and war. The grant amount used to be $20,000, but in 2018, they announced that they were raising it to $25,000.

To apply, you need to submit a proposal of what your project will entail. It can focus on a wide variety of issues, such as conflict, war, international issues, urban rioting, ethnic conflicts, and more. It just needs to focus on the aftermath of some type of conflict situation, either domestically or abroad.

How to Apply

The proposal you submit must include what the focus of your project will be. It also needs to include a proposed timetable of any trips that will be necessary to complete the project. If you are also trying to get a book contract for this project you must disclose it when applying. If they find out later that you have a book contract, or other type of funding contract, you could lose the award.

When you submit your application, you must include the signed application form, the project proposal, and a portfolio of no more than 30 images. Your proposal should be no longer than two pages. You do not have to have images related to your project. Your project could be something you have not started on yet, and that is acceptable. You just need to submit some good images to show your photography skills.

This photography grant is open to people worldwide, including veterans. Winners of the grant will have to give the Aftermath Project 30 prints from the project that they used the funding for. If you are awarded the grant, you will be notified by mail. The winner will receive half of the funds immediately, and then another 40% of the funds mid-way through the project, with the final 10% being given after the images are submitted to the Aftermath Project.

Veterans who have a passion for photography may be great candidates for this grant. Many of them have seen conflict and aftermath situations around the world. With their keen eye, they can help share the aftermath with the rest of the world by using their photography skills. This photography grant is open to amateur photographers and professionals alike.