Grants for Veterans in Kansas

There are over 192,000 veterans living in the state of Kansas. Many veterans may experience financial difficulties at times, just as veterans do in other states around the nation. Rather than simply live with the stress of not knowing how to pay the bills during these times, there are options that people can turn to. There are numerous grants for veterans in Kansas. The grants will help to pay the bills, purchase food, and more, helping veterans to get through difficult financial times.

Grants, unlike loans, do not ever have to be paid back. They are essentially considered to be a gift. They are given to people who are having difficulty paying for their living expenses, with the ultimate goal of helping the people to become self sufficient. The grants for veterans in Kansas are mostly federally funded, and usually do have a time limit on how long someone can receive them. Even with the grants being short term, they usually provide ample time to help people become self sufficient.

Types of Grants for Veterans in Kansas

Housing and Urban Development (HUD) – Veterans who find it difficult to afford housing or who may be facing foreclosure may qualify for assistance through HUD. The grant programs through HUD help pay rent, avoid foreclosure, obtain necessary home repairs, and help people to locate affordable housing. They can also help people find public housing options in their area. To qualify for HUD, you have to meet low income requirements, and be a citizen or legal immigrant. To apply, you first have to speak with a HUD counselor in Kansas, who will assess your situation and needs. To apply, click here.

Food Assistance Program – The Food Assistance Program in Kansas is the same as the nationwide program called Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).  The program provides those who quality with a monthly grant, that can be used to purchase food. The funds are provided electronically each month through a debit card. You can use the card to pay for food at the grocery store and farmer’s market. To qualify for the Food Assistance Program in Kansas, you have to meet the low income requirements, have no more than $2,500 in assets, and be a citizen or legal immigrant. To apply, click here.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) – There are energy grants for veterans in Kansas. The grants will help people pay for their heating bill, but you can only get one per season. The program funds are also limited, and based on a first come, first served basis. To qualify for the energy grant, you have to meet the low income requirements, be the person responsible for paying the utility bill, and show you have made payments on the heating bill in the past. The application period for LIHEAP in Kansas is from January through March. You can apply online. To apply, click here.

Successful Families Program – This grant program, which provides cash assistance, is known as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) in other states. The program provides those who quality with a monthly cash grant that can be used on a wide variety of living expenses, including clothing, food, housing, utilities, and transportation. In order to qualify for the program, you have to have a dependent child who is 18 years or younger, meet the low income requirements, and have assets of no more than $2,250. The Successful Families Program is limited to 24 months in a lifetime, and those receiving it may be required to register for work services. To apply, click here.

Lifeline Assistance – Having a phone is considered by many to be essential, even if it’s just to have for emergency situations. Yet many people find the monthly bill to be too costly. Veterans in Kansas who need assistance paying for their monthly phone bill may qualify for the program called Lifeline Assistance. Those approved for the program will only have to pay $9.25 per month for their phone, whether it is a cellular or land line. The balance will be paid for with a federal grant. To apply, click here.

There are grants for veterans in Kansas that will help people get through difficult financial times. These grants will help pay bills and make ends meet each month. Veterans who are experiencing difficulty should apply for the programs to see which ones they can qualify for and receive a benefit from.