WIC Program for Veterans

Being short on cash can make it difficult to pay the bills each month. It can also make it stressful to try and obtain enough food. The government has created several nutrition programs to help ensure that people in the country have their nutrition needs met. One of the programs that help about half of all infants in the country to obtain food is called Women, Infant, and Children (WIC). The WIC program for veterans will help people who are experiencing financial difficulty, so they are able to get healthy food each month.

Government Food Assistance

Many people are familiar with the food stamp program in the country, called Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), but there is another program that helps people with obtaining food.  WIC is a lesser known program, but it still helps millions of people around the country. It’s also a program that is more focused in what segment of the population that it helps. In order to receive WIC benefits, you have to meet a variety of eligibility requirements.

The eligibility requirements for WIC include being low income, being considered nutritionally at risk, and being pregnant or having a child ages five and under. If you meet those requirements, then you should be approved for WIC. Those who are approved for the WIC program will receive a monthly grant that they can use to obtain healthy foods. They can also get referrals for free healthcare assistance, and they can receive nutritional advice and information for free. The WIC program also provides immunizations, breastfeeding counseling, health screening, substance abuse referrals, and more.

What WIC Provides

WIC doesn’t provide all of the food that you and your family need each month. The program is supplemental, so it will provide food in addition to what you obtain outside of the program. You can apply for both WIC and SNAP and receive both benefits each month. WIC provides those who qualify with specific types of food on a monthly basis. The goal is to provide people with healthy food, so that their nutritional needs are being met. You can’t just get any foods you want with your WIC grant, like you largely can with SNAP benefits.

When you receive WIC you have to use the grant to obtain specific food items at the store. If you walk through your local grocery store there is a good chance you can spot which programs are approved by the WIC program. Look at the shelf where the tag is for the price of the item. Many grocery stores will label the WIC items on that tag, so that those who are purchasing items with the grant will know which ones they can get. WIC approved foods include infant cereals, baby food, eggs, milk, cheese, yogurt, beans, peas, canned fish, tofu, whole wheat bread, soy milk, peanut butter, and fruits and vegetables. Those are the only foods you will be able to obtain through the WIC program. They are all pre-approved foods that will help to meet your nutritional needs.

Applying for WIC

Those who are approved for WIC will receive a debit-style card. Each month, your grant funds are electronically added to your card. You can then use the card to pay for the healthy food items at the grocery store. You can continue to receive the WIC benefits for as long as you qualify. If your financial circumstances change or your youngest child turns six, you will no longer be eligible for the program.

To apply for the WIC program, you have to visit your local WIC office. There are WIC offices around the country. When you apply, they will give you a health evaluation to see if they believe you are considered to be a nutritional risk. Eligibility requirements also include being low income and being a citizen or legal immigrant. You will have to show your proof of identity and proof of income when you apply.

Veterans who are struggling financially should apply for government assistance programs. The programs have been put in place to help ensure that their needs are being met. The WIC program for veterans is a helpful way for the government to ensure that the nutritional needs of young children, infants, and pregnant mother are being met. To apply, click here.