Many people are familiar with the tasty and nutritious Clif bars that can be found in stores around the country. What many people are not aware of is how the company gives back to help many different outdoor community initiatives around the nation. The median amount of grant that they award is $4,000. Their small grants help people with their outdoor initiative projects from one side of the country to the other. To apply for a $4,000 Clif Bar Family Foundation Small Grant, click here.
The Clif Bar Family Foundation gives out numerous awards throughout the year. If you are a veteran who loves the outdoors, wants to protect the environment, or cares about building stronger communities, you may want to apply for this grant. The Clif Bar grants are focused on specific categories that they prioritize. Those categories include increasing opportunities for outdoor activities, reducing environmental health hazards, building stronger communities, creating a robust healthy food system, and protecting the earth.
What the Small Grants Cover
If you have a project you want funded that falls within their specific prioritized categories, you may want to see if you can get approved for a small grant. Some of the projects that may get funded include focusing on improving air quality, cleaning up the water supply, reducing exposure to toxic materials, conserving open spaces, developing bike-friendly cities, reducing waste, conserving wild places, creating safer housing, increasing youth access to the arts, expanding organic farming, and reconnecting our families to farms.
There are a lot of project opportunities within their prioritized areas. Whether you already have a project in mind, or you develop one based off their suggestions, there’s a good chance that it will help improve the community. Their grassroots grant program has helped fund many community projects around the country. Some of the projects that have been funded include a food fair, coral restoration, species conservation, climate education, and more.
How to Apply for the Grant
You can apply for the Clif Bar Family Bar Foundation Small Grant online. The grant is open to organizations and groups, but not to individuals. Before starting the application process, you can take a short eligibility quiz to make sure you meet the guidelines to apply for a grant. If you do, then you can proceed with filling out a grant application.
They give out the grants on a rolling basis, so you have to check to see when the current application ends and the next one opens. The deadlines to apply are every February 1, June 1, and October 1. Once they review the applications it takes 6-8 weeks before they announce who will be awarded grants. Check to see grant funding cycle they are in to see when the next application window closes. You can apply for this grant multiple times. There are many organizations that have received this grant for several years in a row. As long as you continue to work on the project that falls within their prioritized area, you may be qualified to continue applying for more funding.
The Clif Bar Family Foundation also has special initiatives. This was an area of their grant program that was started in 2009. This area focuses on giving grants to areas that are being underserved, yet they see them as crucial areas that need community support. One of the special initiatives they fund is Seed Matters, which protects organic seeds and works to increase policies that protect them. They have given $1 million to the Seed Matters project in order to help protect organic seeds, making food safer for everyone.
The projects that are funded through the Clif Bar Family Foundation average $4,000. They are all focused on helping to make the environment, community, and world a better place. If you are working with an organization that focuses on these issues, you may be able to do a lot of good with their grant. Veterans who are passionate about helping the environment, for example, will find that this grant can help them and their organization to help the environment in their area.
While Clif Bar may be popular for their nutritious bars, they are also making strides at helping the planet, one grant award at a time. This is one company that cares about the planet and making it a better place.