WIC Program for Veterans

Being short on cash can make it difficult to pay the bills each month. It can also make it stressful to try and obtain enough food. The government has created several nutrition programs to help ensure that people in the country have their nutrition needs met. One of the programs that help about half of all infants in the country to obtain food is called Women, Infant, and Children (WIC). The WIC program for veterans will help people who are experiencing financial difficulty, so they are able to get healthy food each month.

Government Food Assistance

Many people are familiar with the food stamp program in the country, called Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), but there is another program that helps people with obtaining food.  WIC is a lesser known program, but it still helps millions of people around the country. It’s also a program that is more focused in what segment of the population that it helps. In order to receive WIC benefits, you have to meet a variety of eligibility requirements.

The eligibility requirements for WIC include being low income, being considered nutritionally at risk, and being pregnant or having a child ages five and under. If you meet those requirements, then you should be approved for WIC. Those who are approved for the WIC program will receive a monthly grant that they can use to obtain healthy foods. They can also get referrals for free healthcare assistance, and they can receive nutritional advice and information for free. The WIC program also provides immunizations, breastfeeding counseling, health screening, substance abuse referrals, and more.

What WIC Provides

WIC doesn’t provide all of the food that you and your family need each month. The program is supplemental, so it will provide food in addition to what you obtain outside of the program. You can apply for both WIC and SNAP and receive both benefits each month. WIC provides those who qualify with specific types of food on a monthly basis. The goal is to provide people with healthy food, so that their nutritional needs are being met. You can’t just get any foods you want with your WIC grant, like you largely can with SNAP benefits.

When you receive WIC you have to use the grant to obtain specific food items at the store. If you walk through your local grocery store there is a good chance you can spot which programs are approved by the WIC program. Look at the shelf where the tag is for the price of the item. Many grocery stores will label the WIC items on that tag, so that those who are purchasing items with the grant will know which ones they can get. WIC approved foods include infant cereals, baby food, eggs, milk, cheese, yogurt, beans, peas, canned fish, tofu, whole wheat bread, soy milk, peanut butter, and fruits and vegetables. Those are the only foods you will be able to obtain through the WIC program. They are all pre-approved foods that will help to meet your nutritional needs.

Applying for WIC

Those who are approved for WIC will receive a debit-style card. Each month, your grant funds are electronically added to your card. You can then use the card to pay for the healthy food items at the grocery store. You can continue to receive the WIC benefits for as long as you qualify. If your financial circumstances change or your youngest child turns six, you will no longer be eligible for the program.

To apply for the WIC program, you have to visit your local WIC office. There are WIC offices around the country. When you apply, they will give you a health evaluation to see if they believe you are considered to be a nutritional risk. Eligibility requirements also include being low income and being a citizen or legal immigrant. You will have to show your proof of identity and proof of income when you apply.

Veterans who are struggling financially should apply for government assistance programs. The programs have been put in place to help ensure that their needs are being met. The WIC program for veterans is a helpful way for the government to ensure that the nutritional needs of young children, infants, and pregnant mother are being met. To apply, click here.

Bankruptcy Assistance for Veterans

There are over 18 million veterans in the country. At times they experience difficult financial times, just as others do. Many people who struggle financially turn to bankruptcy to try and get a fresh start. In fact, the US Courts reports that during the 12-year period of 2005-2017, there were nearly 13 million people who filed for bankruptcy. For many people who are struggling to pay their bills, bankruptcy is an option worth exploring.

Many people feel that bankruptcy is a way out of debt, and for millions of people it is. The government allows people to file for bankruptcy so that they get a fresh start and can contribute to society again. Those who get caught up owing on bills they cannot pay may withdraw, become depressed, and not contribute like they once did. In other words, not having the money to pay their bills may lead to them feeling hopeless. Bankruptcy is a way for people to have their hope restored again. There is bankruptcy assistance for veterans, which will help those who need help getting out of the financial hole they are in.

What is Bankruptcy?

Many people are familiar with how bankruptcy law used to be, which is that you filed and simply walked away from most of your debt. The process was fairly simple. In fact, it was so simple that some people would re-file for bankruptcy every so many years, continuing to have their debt erased, only to start the process of collecting it over again. Then the government changed the laws, so that it wasn’t easy for people to do that anymore.

Now, you can file for two types of bankruptcy. The two types of bankruptcy are called Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. The first one involves you giving back things that you owe on, so that you no longer have to pay on them. This would include things like a car. With this process, your will help to lower your monthly bills right away. The other kind of bankruptcy allows you to keep the things that you still owe money on, but it makes it easier for you to make the payments. With this type of arrangement, your monthly debt payments will be lowered to something you can afford, and the lender won’t be able to take the item back from you during the time you are paying on it.

Types of Bankruptcy Assistance for Veterans

Attorneys – Most people who file for bankruptcy need the assistance of an attorney. They can guide you through the process, answer your questions, and help you file for bankruptcy. However, it can also be costly to work with an attorney. If you want the assistance of an attorney and don’t have the funds to pay for one you still have some options. In your state you should have a state bar and a legal aid center. The first one can help you locate any pro bono (free) attorneys near you, while the latter one will provide you with free legal advice.

America’s Debt Help Organization – When considering bankruptcy it is a good idea to also look at other debt relief options. This organization will help you do just that. They offer online tools that will help determine if it’s the best option for you. The will also give you additional information to consider. To apply, click here.

Legal Zoom – It is possible to file for bankruptcy on your own or to get minimal assistance from professionals who can guide you. Legal Zoom offers affordable online assistance to help you evaluate the options, and help guide you through the case, and even help you find a law firm to work with for the process. To apply, click here.

Struggling each month to pay the bills is no fun and it can be quite stressful. Those who are in that situation may have no other option but to turn to bankruptcy so they get out from under the financial rock. The good news is that there is bankruptcy assistance for veterans, and by obtaining it you can determine if it’s the right choice for your situation. You can also get your questions answered and begin the process if you feel that is the best route for you to take.

Public Housing Program for Veterans

The median home price around America is $200,000. The average rental costs just over $1,400 per month. For most people, that’s a lot of their salary. This makes it difficult for them to afford paying for their housing each month. Many veterans are unsure where to turn for assistance, so that they can obtain affordable housing options. As the cost of rent and mortgages continue to rise, it’s important that more people know about the public housing program for veterans.

Public Housing Defined

Many people have heard the term “public housing,” but are not familiar with what it is. Public housing is housing units that are owned or paid for through the government. The federal government owns many housing units around the country. Some of them are apartment buildings, while others may be smaller family homes. They own those units so that they can offer affordable housing to those who are considered low income.

The public housing program for veterans is run through Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The programs offered through HUD are federally funded. Some of the programs to help with public housing programs in each state are administered at the state level, but funded through a government block grant. The grant money is given to the state and local housing authority offices, and they provide public housing programs for veterans with the funds.

Alternative Housing Program

In the past, people had to use the available public housing options if they wanted housing assistance from the government. Many people were not happy with that though, because some of the housing units would be run down, have no open units, or they were areas of town that people didn’t feel safe in. To help address these issues, the government created an alternative public housing program for veterans, called a voucher program.

The voucher program makes it possible for people to obtain affordable housing, but they don’t have to live in specific units that are owned by the government. They are able to live in any housing unit they want, as long as it meets the basic safety criteria, and the landlord accepts vouchers. You get to choose your own housing unit and then as long as the government approves of it, they will provide a voucher to help pay the rent each month. The funds are paid directly to the landlord each month on your behalf, and then you have to pay the rest of what is owed on the rent. This program can help make your monthly rent bill much more affordable, and you have more control over where you live.

Applying for Public Housing for Veterans

To qualify for public housing programs you have to have a low income. You also need to be a citizen or legal immigrant. You may have to show proof of income, proof of identity, your social security number, and other types of documentation. There are two ways that you can apply for public housing. The first one is to contact your local housing authority. Across the country, there are housing authority offices in every major city. You will need to contact the housing authority that is closest to you and get the information on applying for public housing in your area.

The other way to apply for public housing is to contact HUD directly. There are HUD offices in every state around the country. To start the application process, you must first speak with a HUD counselor in your state. The counselor will assess your current financial situation and your housing needs, to ensure you qualify for assistance. If you do, they will guide you on through the next steps of applying for public housing.  HUD also offers other assistance programs that you may qualify for. They offer grants to help people pay for necessary home repairs, and they can help people avoid foreclosure.

Housing may be the most expensive bill that people have to face each month. Many people struggle to make ends meet, but there are programs to help them through the difficult financial time. Public housing programs help ease the burden of making sure your rent needs are met each month. The program helps everyone who has a low income and can demonstrate that they need the assistance. To apply, click here.

Grants for Veterans with No Health Insurance

Health insurance is something we should all have, so that we get the health care that we need. Due to the high costs associated with health insurance, however, many people make the decision to go without. Going without health insurance can lead to some large bills that will be stressful to try and pay. The good news is that there are grants for veterans with no health insurance, and they can help ease the burden and ensure that people get the care they need.

While the government provides some free health care coverage for many people who are considered low income, there are others who tend to fall through the cracks. These are people who make too much money to qualify for the free health care program, but they don’t make enough to pay the premiums to purchase their own health insurance. With rates that continue to rise, this leaves many people to search for ways to help pay for the health care services they need. The grants for veterans with no health insurance are an important resource for those who fall into that category and need assistance.

Types of Grants for Veterans with No Health Insurance

Medicaid – The federally funded Medicaid program is the largest free health care program in the country. Those who qualify for it will typically receive free health care services, including for doctor visits, hospital stays, dental care, and vision care. To qualify for the program, you have to be very low income. The Medicaid program will also help you obtain the prescription drugs that you need. The program provides long term coverage for those who qualify. You can apply for Medicaid at your local social services office. To apply, click here.

Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) – Veterans who do not have health insurance for their children may qualify for CHIP. The program provides health insurance for those who make too much money to qualify for Medicaid, but not enough money to afford purchasing their own insurance. The program is administered by the states and is available across the country. There are over 9 million children who are covered by CHIP. The program provides coverage for doctor visits, hospital stays, dental and vision care, and prescriptions. It also covers immunizations, behavioral health care, and well child visits. To qualify, you have to meet the income requirements. You can apply at your local social services office. To apply, click here.

Disability Benefits – Veterans who are considered disabled may qualify for benefits through the Social Security Disability program. The government program provides financial assistance to those who are considered disabled. The benefits will provide you with a grant that you can use for health insurance. To apply, you will need to provide proof of disability, your social security number, address information, and income information. You can apply for Disability online. To apply, click here.

Basic Medical – Veterans are eligible to receive a Basic Medical Benefits Package that is offered through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The health care package provides veterans with a range of services, including outpatient care, inpatient care, diagnostics, primary doctor visits, specialty doctor visits, and preventative care. You can apply for the VA Basic Medical program online. To apply, click here.

Operation Family Fund – This is an organization that provides grants for veterans with no health insurance. Operation Family Fund gives cash grants for veterans who need assistance. The grants can be used to pay for medical expenses. To qualify for a grant from Operation Family Fund, you have to have served in Operation Enduring and Iraqi Freedom and have been injured while serving. You can apply for a grant with Operation Family Fund online. To apply, click here.

It’s important for veterans to have health insurance, but the costs may make it difficult for them to do so. By reaching out to some of the grant programs listed above, you may be able to get the assistance you need, so you can get the health care that you and your family need to stay health and address any problems. It may be stressful to go without health insurance, but these programs can help ease the burden and meet your health care needs.

Debt Consolidation Programs for Veterans

It is estimated that around 85% of families are in debt. Debt is something that most of us have, often times because we owe on a mortgage. Beyond our mortgage, many people end up getting into further debt with purchasing vehicles, owing on multiple credit cards, and taking out additional loans. All the debt can lead to a lot of stress, because it’s difficult to keep up with making payments each month. There are debt consolidation programs for veterans, which may ease the burden some.

People don’t usually set out to get into debt. It’s the type of thing that creeps up little by little, and before you know it, you are struggling to pay the monthly bills. The debt becomes such a huge burden, largely because of the interest that is added each month. The interest makes debt difficult to overcome, because it’s added monthly and your payment doesn’t usually cover it and bring the principal down. Debt consolidation can be a helpful solution to consider if you have a lot of debt that is creating a burden.

Defining Debt Consolidation

You may have heard about debt consolidation, but may not be clear on what it is. Before jumping into it, it’s a good idea to gain a better understanding of what it is and what it involves. There are numerous options when it comes to debt consolidation programs for veterans, and it’s a good idea to know about them before choosing one. That way you will not be caught off guard or disappointed later on.

Debt consolidation is the process of taking all of your debt, or some of it if you don’t want to include all of it, and it combining it into one loan. While you will still owe the debt and will need to make monthly payments on it, there are some real advantages to doing this. For starters, it makes keeping up with the monthly payments easier. Most people have debt with multiple lenders and each month they need to make a payment. It is easy to overlook making one of the payments, especially if you owe on five or six accounts.

Once you consolidate your debt, you will only have to remember to make that one payment each month. You won’t have to try and remember all the lenders and due dates and try to keep up with them. You will no longer have to risk being hit with late fees for a payment you overlooked. Another benefit of debt consolidation is that you should save money on interest.

When you decide to do debt consolidation, you will take out one loan that will pay off all the debt you want included. Then you will just owe on that one loan.  Your debt will be more simplified, easier to keep track of, and you should save money, too.

Types of Debt Consolidation Programs for Veterans

In Charge Debt Solutions – This organization offers a program that will provide you with a lower interest rate. You will also be able to get smaller monthly payment arrangements, and you will help to eliminate the additional fees you have been being charged. If you follow their debt consolidation program, you should be able to be out from under the debt within 5 years, depending on how much debt you have. You can apply for the program online. To apply, click here.

National Debt Relief – This is a nationwide program that can save you a lot of money. The average that they help save their customers is over $6,000. Their program will help you with settling debts, saving on fees, and reducing the overall amount that you need to pay. You can apply for National Debt Relief online. To apply, click here.

Clear One Advantage – They offer debt consolidation programs for veterans that will help address your collection debt, medical bills, and credit cards, among other types of debt. They have simplified the debt consolidation process, and they offer a tool to help you determine how much you could save each month. You can apply online. To apply, click here.

In addition to these places that offer debt consolidation for veterans, you should check with your bank. Many banks and credit unions also offer programs, and you may be able to negotiate a more attractive interest rate by working with a local lender. Debt can be a burden, but you can help eliminate the stress and save money when you opt to consolidate. Be sure to thoroughly evaluate the programs before choosing one to go with, so you can find the best option for your circumstances.

How to Apply for Government Benefits as a Veteran

With over 18 million veterans around the country, there are some of them who will at some point need financial assistance. They may simply be between jobs or unable to find one that pays enough to meet their needs each month. Still others may have medical conditions or a disability as result of their military service. It’s important that they know how to apply for government benefits as a veteran, so they can get the assistance they need, during difficult financial times.

Government benefits are a great way to get financial assistance during difficult times. The government has created numerous programs to help veterans meet their basic needs. The programs are all federally funded and open to all veterans who meet the basic eligibility requirements. Applying for government benefits as a veteran is fairly easy, but the process varies for some programs.

How to Apply for Government Benefits as a Veteran

To apply for government benefits it is important to first locate the program you want to apply for. Each program has different eligibility requirements and varies with their application process. Once you know which programs you want to apply for, make sure you have the documentation you will need to complete the application. In most cases, you will need to show verification of your identity, address, and income. If you are applying for government benefits that are specific to being a veteran, you will need military documentation, and disability papers, if that pertains to your situation.

You can apply for some government benefits online, while others you will need to apply for in person. Still other programs allow you to apply over the phone or by mailing in an application. It’s important to look at the ways you can apply for any specific program, and then choose one of the routes to complete your application. Many programs allow you to start the application process online, with some requiring a follow up interview. Others require an in-person application process. If you are applying in person, you will often need to visit your local social services office or community action center.

Once you have all the documents you need for the application, you are then ready to begin the process. If you will be applying in person, be sure to take the documents with you, so that the application process is not delayed. Having everything you need from the start will help ensure your application process is expedited.

How to Apply for Specific Government Benefit Programs

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) – You can apply for this food grant program online in many states, and in person in all states. You will need to contact the SNAP office in your state to begin the application process. To apply for SNAP, click here.

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) – This program provides a monthly cash grant to help with living expenses. You can apply for it online in some states, and in person in all states. To apply for TANF, click here.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) – Veterans who need help paying their energy bill can apply for a grant through LIHEAP. The program is also called HEAP in some states. You can apply online in some states, and in person in others. To apply in person, visit your local community action center. To apply for LIHEAP, click here.

 Medicaid – The national Medicaid program provides health care assistance to those with a low income. You can apply in person at your local social services office, or online in some states. To apply in person, visit your local social services office. To apply for Medicaid, click here.

Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) – Veterans who don’t qualify for Medicaid, but need health insurance for their children, can apply for CHIP. You can apply in person at your local social services office. To apply for CHIP, click here.

Lifeline Assistance – This program provides a monthly grant to help make your phone bill more affordable. You can apply online. To apply, click here.

Housing and Urban Development (HUD) – Veterans in need of housing assistance, including paying rent, avoiding foreclosure, or locating affordable housing, can get help through HUD. To start the application process, you first need to speak with a HUD counselor in your state. To apply, click here.

These are some of the most popular government benefit programs. Be sure to follow the guidelines and requirements when applying, so your application isn’t held up.

CHIP Program for Veterans

The high cost of health insurance prevents many people who don’t qualify for Medicaid from having coverage. Some health insurance policies can cost a family $1,000 or more per month, and even then they still need to pay a high deductible. Policies like that leave the average family to pay for just about everything out-of-pocket. Many people are not aware of the assistance that is out there that can help families in this situation. The CHIP program for veterans is one of those programs.

The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), is a federally-funded program that helps people obtain health insurance for their children. CHIP is available in every state around the country, and is available for those who qualify for the assistance. The program helps make it possible for many people to have health insurance coverage for their family.

About the CHIP Program for Veterans

Before applying for the CHIP program it’s a good idea to know what to expect. The program doesn’t provide health insurance coverage for adults. It is a program to give children the health care that they need. Here are some things to know about the CHIP Program for veterans:

  • CHIP provides health care for families that earn too much money to get Medicaid, which is a health care program for those who have a very low income. When a family makes too much to qualify for Medicaid, but not enough to pay for the going health insurance rates, they may need something in between, such as CHIP.
  • The rules regarding who qualifies for CHIP vary by state. To get all the eligibility requirements for CHIP, you will have to contact the administrator for the program in your state.
  • The CHIP program is closely related to the Medicaid program in all states and is administered by the same offices, which are typically the social service departments.
  • Some states provide CHIP for women who are pregnant. Check with your state to see if it is one that offers the program to pregnant women.
  • Every state provides comprehensive health care coverage for those who apply. The coverage pays for such services as routine check-ups at the doctor’s office, doctor visits, immunizations, prescription drugs, vision care, dental care, hospital stays, x-rays, laboratory services, and all emergency health care services. Some states provide more benefit services in addition to these.
  • The services that are free with the program include well checks and dental visits. Other health care appointments and services will require a co-payment to be made by the family.
  • You can apply for CHIP any time of the year. You do not have to wait until there is an open enrollment period in the Marketplace.
  • If you are approved for CHIP coverage, it will start immediately. You do not have to wait in order to start using the health care benefits.

CHIP Program for Veterans Eligibility

In order to be eligible for CHIP, you will need to meet the income requirements. The income requirements will need to show that you make too much to qualify for free health care, but that you are unable to afford paying for the insurance available in the Marketplace. If you are approved for the program, you will receive an insurance card. That card can be used when obtaining health care services.

Depending on where you live, you may have difficulty finding a doctor or other health care provider who accepts CHIP. If you are having trouble finding a provider who accepts CHIP, contact the agency where you applied for the program. They should be able to help you find a doctor who accepts it, as well as answer any questions you may have about what types of services are covered with CHIP.

The CHIP program for veterans offers a helpful way for people to ensure their children get the health care that they need. The program helps ensure that nobody falls through the cracks without being able to have health care. Veterans who have children and make too much to qualify for Medicaid should apply for CHIP. The program helps millions of people around the nation obtain the coverage they need. You can apply online. To apply, click here.

Food Stamps for Veterans

There are over 18 million veterans living across the country. At times, they may experience financial difficulties, just like non-veterans do. These times may be brought about by losing a job, being in between jobs, or because they are not able to find a job that pays a high enough salary to meet their monthly needs. The good news is there are government programs that can help during these difficult times, including food stamps for veterans.

Many people know the government nutrition assistance program as food stamps. For many years, that’s what it was referred to around the country. There are still a few states that refer to the program as food stamps, but the official name for the government program is Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). In the state of California, the food stamp program is called CalFresh.

The food stamp program name was changed in 2008, by the Obama administration, in an effort to reduce any stigma associated with the name. Since the term is still widely used around the country, you should be able to inquire about food stamps at any local social services office, and they will know the program you are referring to.

How Food Stamps Works

The food stamp program provides grants to help people be able to purchase food. Those who are approved for the program will receive a debit-style card. Each month, there will be a grant electronically added to the card. You can then take the card to the grocery store or farmer’s market and use it to pay for your groceries. The benefit can be used to purchase a wide variety of foods, including produce, meat, beverages, and more.

Years ago, people used to have a little booklet of paper food stamp dollars and they would use those to pay for their groceries. Today, using the debit-style card nobody in line or around you knows you are paying with food stamps, further removing any stigma associate with getting the assistance.

How to Qualify for Food Stamps for Veterans

The biggest determining factor in whether or not you are eligible to receive food stamps is your income. You have to meet the low income requirements in order to be approved for the program. The amount of your monthly benefit is determined by how many people are in your household, as well as what your income level is. Additionally, you will need to be a citizen or legal immigrant to receive food stamps.

Part of the application and qualification process for food stamps includes providing the documentation that is requested. Be prepared to provide such documents as your proof of address, social security number, proof of income, and proof of identity. You may also be required to submit additional documentation, and you may need to participate in a short interview at your local social services office.

As long as your economic situation remains the same, you will continue to be eligible to receive food stamps. There is no time limit on how long you can receive the benefit. If your situation changes, such as if a dependent moves out of the home or you start earning more money, then your benefit amount may be changed or eliminated.

How to Apply for Food Stamps for Veterans

Once you are approved for food stamps, it’s usually around 30 days before you receive your first benefit. There is emergency assistance for those who are unable to wait the 30 days. Your SNAP card can be used anywhere in the country that accepts food stamps. If you don’t use all of your food stamps during the month, they will be rolled over and added to the following month’s balance.

Before applying for food stamps it is a good idea to make sure you have all of your necessary documentation and identification so that your application is expedited. If you don’t have the necessary items needed to apply, your application process will be delayed. To apply for food stamps you need to contact the social services administrator in your state. Some states allow you to apply online, while others require you to do so in person. If you have to apply in person, you will visit your local social services office. To apply for food stamps, click here.

Grants for Veterans that Help with Telephone Bills

The average monthly cell phone bill in the country is around $80 per month. Yet most people consider having a phone to be essential, if only for emergency purposes. Those who have a low income or are struggling financially may not be able to afford a monthly phone bill. This can create a stressful situation, because they know they don’t have access to a phone to call someone for an emergency if there is one. The good news is that there grants for veterans that help with telephone bills.

By getting a grant that helps pay for your phone bill, you will be able to maintain having continuous access to a phone. Whether you need it for emergencies, for contacting your social worker, looking for a job, or just to keep in contacted with loved ones, it’s nice to know the grants are available. Be sure to check with each place that offers a telephone grant to see what the specifics are regarding eligibility and how to apply for one.

Types of Grants for Veterans that Help with Telephone Bills

Lifeline Assistance – This is a program that is funded by the federal government. The program aims to help make having a telephone more affordable for everyone, including veterans. The program is available in every state around the country. If you are approved for Lifeline Assistance, you will only have to pay $9.25 per month for your phone bill. You can have a cell phone or a land line and will only have to pay that amount each month. The rest of your phone bill is paid each month by a grant from the government. The government will make the payment directly to your phone provider on your behalf, rather than sending you the grant. To qualify for Lifeline Assistance, you must meet the low income requirements. To apply for the grant, you need to start by locating the Lifeline Assistance administrator in your state. To apply, click here.

Cell Phones for Soldiers – This organization has started a program that provides soldiers and veterans with phones and grants to pay for them. In addition to sending phones to deployed soldiers, they have a program for veterans. The Helping Heroes Home program helps veterans with their communication expenses. They provide grants to help veterans pay for their telephone bills. In addition to providing grants, the organization provides veterans with prepaid calling cards. You can apply online. To apply, click here.

Verizon – One of the largest cell phone providers in the country, Verizon offers assistance to veterans and their families. They provide a discounted rate for military families, as a thank you for their service to the country. They offer their Go Unlimited cell phone program to veterans for only $30 per month. To get the discounted rate each month, you will have to enroll in the program and they will verify that you are a veteran. Their discount program saves veterans a lot of money, essentially giving them a grant each month to help pay their bill. You can apply for the Go Unlimited plan online. To apply, click here.

AT&T – As one of the largest cell phone providers in the country, they offer a discount program to help veterans. In addition to getting a discount on your telephone through AT&T, you can also save on your internet bill. Their veteran program offers 25% off your telephone bill each month. They offer widespread coverage around the country, making it easy and reliable for people to have continuous phone service at a discounted rate. Additionally, with their program you get unlimited texting and talking. You can sign up for the program online. To apply, click here.

While there are some grants for veterans that help with telephone bills, there are also discount programs available. The discount programs provide the same relief that a grant does, making it easier for veterans to afford having a phone. It’s a good idea for everyone to have a phone, so be sure to consider each of the options to see which one is ideal for your situation and needs. The programs are available to help give back to those who have given the country so much already.

Financial Assistance Programs for Disabled Veterans

There are over 18 million veterans in the country. It’s estimated that nearly 4 million of them that have a service-related disability. This means that they have acquired a disability during the time they were serving, or later on something developed as a result of them serving in the military. Having the disability can make it difficult for veterans to get a job that will help them meet their living expenses. The good news is that there are financial assistance programs for disabled veterans, and they can make an important difference in making sure their needs are met each month.

Being a disabled veteran may make it more difficult to do the duties involved in many jobs. This can lead disabled veterans to experiencing financial difficulty. Many will need to utilize financial assistance programs for disabled veterans, so that they can make ends meet each month. Most of the financial assistance programs are funded through the federal government. The programs are available in every state around the country.

Types of Financial Assistance Programs for Disabled Veterans

Social Security – Disabled veterans may qualify to receive a monthly cash grant through the Social Security Administration. The federally funded program helps those who are considered disabled, which means that they cannot work for at least a year. To qualify for Social Security, you have to be at least 18 years old, not currently already receiving Social Security, are unable to work due to a disability, and haven’t been denied Social Security within the past 60 days. When applying, you will need to provide your Social Security number, names and birthdates of your minor children, and provide information about your medical condition. You can apply online, by phone, or in person. To apply, click here.

 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) – Disabled veterans typically qualify for monthly food assistance through the federal government. Those who qualify for SNAP will receive a monthly grant that can be used to purchase food from the grocery store or farmer’s market. You can apply for SNAP at your local social services office, or online at your state’s SNAP office. SNAP is formerly known as food stamps. Some states still refer to it as food stamps or food assistance. To apply, click here.

 Disability Compensation – There is disability compensation offered through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. The compensation is available for veterans who have medical conditions, are disabled, or who have incurred military-related injuries. You will need to supply your medical and military records when applying for the program. You can apply for the program online. To apply, click here.

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) – Veterans who have at least one minor dependent child in the home may qualify for cash assistance through the TANF program. Veterans who do not have at least one minor dependent child in the home may qualify for General Assistance through the TANF program. Both programs are usually limited to how many months you can receive the assistance. To qualify, you have to meet the low income requirements, and be a citizen or legal immigrant. You can apply in person at your local social services office, or online at your state’s TANF website. To apply, click here.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) – Disabled veterans may qualify for help paying for their energy bills. LIHEAP provides grants that pay for energy bills for those who have a low income. The program makes one-time energy assistance payments, directly to your energy provider on your behalf. To qualify, you have to meet the low income requirements. You can apply for a LIHEAP grant at your local community action center. Most states have an application window you will need to follow. You can re-apply for a grant with LIHEAP every year. To apply, click here.

 Lifeline Assistance – The federal government provides phone grants to help those with a low income be able to afford a phone each month. Those who qualify will only have to pay $9.25 per month for their phone, and the government will pay the rest. To apply, click here.

The financial assistance programs for disabled veterans will help make ends meet each month. Check with these programs to also see if they can refer you to other financial assistance programs in your local area.