It has been estimated that the average cost of college is increasing around eight times faster than wages. In other words, the cost of going to college continues to rise, while the wages are not. Yet people will still make more money on average if they have a college degree. What is standing in the way of many veterans who would like to go to college is the cost of paying for tuition. It’s important to take advantage of college grants for veterans, which will help to reduce the cost of earning a degree.
Grants, unlike loans, never have to be paid back. They are essentially financial gifts that are given to people to help them meet their needs and goals. There are numerous college grants for veterans, and they can help make the process of getting an education more affordable. Not only will the grants help ease the burden of paying for college tuition, but then you will be able in a better position to obtain a higher paying job. There are college grants that are offered through the federal government, as well as through private and nonprofit organizations.
Types of College Grants for Veterans
Pell Grants – The federal government offers college grants that are called Pell Grants. They are available to veterans who have a low income. You can receive the grant for as long as you continue to meet the qualifications. You will need to re-apply for it each year. Eligibility also requires you to be pursuing a degree, and be attending an accredited educational institute. You can attend college full or part time and receive a Pell Grant to help pay for it. The maximum amount you can receive in a Pell Grant is $6,195 per year. The funds may be used to pay for college tuition, books, and related costs. You can apply for a Pell Grant online. To apply, click here.
Imagine America Foundation – This organization offers grants for military service members, including honorably discharged veterans. The college grants they offer are $1,000 each. The grants are awarded for those who are interested in attending a trade school. They have partnered with over 550 programs that you can enroll in. Eligibility for the college grant includes being enrolled in college, be active duty military or a veteran, and having a financial need. You can apply for the Imagine America Foundation college grant online. To apply, click here.
Legacy Scholarship Program – This college grant program is offered through the Army Women’s Foundation. The program offers college grants to female veterans, helping them to advance in their personal and professional goals. They offer college grants for those who are attending an accredited educational institution. The college grants are given based on a mixed criterion of financial need, academic potential, merit, and your community service contribution. They also take letters of recommendation into account. They provide two different college grants each year, one that is $1,000 and one that is $2,000. You can apply for the grants online. To apply, click here.
Paralyzed Veterans of America – This organization offers college grants for veterans who are paralyzed. Additional eligibility requirements include being a citizen, and being enrolled in college full or part time. The program gives out 10 grants each year, for $1,000 each. The application window each year is January through the beginning of June. You can re-apply for the grant each year that you are attending. Those who have previously received one of the grants can re-apply for another one. You can apply for the grant by printing the application from their website and mailing it in. The grant is not paid to the student. The organization pays it directly to the college you are attending and your account is credited. When applying, you will need to provide proof of college enrollment, transcripts, and send in letters of recommendation. To apply, click here.
When you have a college degree you will, on average, earn more money per year than those who do not. Plus, the unemployment rate for those with a degree is lower. There are many benefits of obtaining a college education. The college grants for veterans help make it easier to afford getting the education, so you can improve your situation, and not go in a lot of debt to do so.