Veterans who would like to go to college, but feel it’s too expensive, may be able to qualify for assistance through obtaining scholarships. There are numerous places that offer scholarships around the country. These free scholarships for veterans will help make earning a degree more affordable, as well as more attainable. Scholarships are an important resource for any veteran who would like to further their education, but feel they need assistance paying for the tuition.
Offered by a variety of sources, including organizations and interest groups, scholarships are a great way to help pay for college. As the costs of attending college continue to rise, people increasingly need help paying for tuition. By obtaining a college education, veterans can usually earn more money in their career, and they will usually experience a lower rate of unemployment. Plus, you may be able to qualify for more than one scholarship, which will help lower your out-of-pocket tuition rate even more.
Types of Free Scholarships for Veterans
AMVETS – The group called American Veterans offers scholarships ever year. They offer scholarships to veterans and their family members. Each year, their program gives away two scholarships for veterans, with one being $4,000 and the other being $12,000. The winner of each one will receive the scholarship broken up into four payments over the course of four years. The application window for the scholarship runs from January through April, and the winners are announced each May. To be eligible, you have to be a citizen, be a veteran who was honorably discharged, have a financial need, have a high school diploma or GED, be enrolled in college or have been accepted to one, and not be in default on any student loans. Also, to be eligible you cannot have been convicted of any drug offenses. You can apply for the AMVETS scholarships online. There is no cost to apply for the AMVETS scholarships. To apply, click here.
AFCEA – This organization awards Educational Foundation and Chapter Scholarships. The scholarships they award provide financial assistance for those who want to pursue a degree. They offer a variety of scholarships, each with a different focus, including diversity scholarships, ROTC scholarships, STEM teacher scholarships, memorial scholarships, and more. The award amount ranges from $2,500 to $3,000 per person. Some include eligibility requirements such as being a woman, a minority, or studying a particular subject area. The awards are open to military personnel and veterans. It’s free to apply for their scholarships. You can apply online. To apply, click here.
Wings Over America – This scholarship foundation awards several per year, including offering renewable or four year awards. The scholarships are open to those who are attending a college or trade/technical school. The average scholarships award is around $3,800 per student. They do not cover room and board. Each year, the organization awards 50 scholarships to help veterans, military personnel, and their families to pursue an education. The application window opens each October and closes in March. You can apply for the Wings Over America scholarship program online. It’s free to apply for the scholarships. To apply, click here.
Pat Tillman Foundation – The Pat Tillman Foundation gives veterans, military personnel and their families the chance to pursue their education in memory of Pat Tillman. A former professional football player, he left his career to join the military after the attacks on September 11. He was killed in the line of duty, and his family and friends have created this foundation in his honor. The organization offers the Tillman Scholar Program, where they award scholarships every year to numerous people. The average scholarship amount is $10,000. To be eligible, you have to be a veteran from any branch, and be pursuing a degree at an accredited educational institution. The application window opens every year in February. You can apply for the Tillman Scholar Program online. There is no fee to apply and the scholarships do not ever have to be paid back. To apply, click here.
There are free scholarships for veterans that will help pay for a college education. You can apply for more than one and receive assistance from as many as you are awarded. It’s a good idea to apply for numerous scholarships, so you can get the most amount of financial help as you can.