Grants for Veterans in New Jersey

New Jersey is home to nearly 438,000 veterans. They also tend to experience a higher unemployment rate in the state. Between a higher unemployment rate for veterans in New Jersey and not having jobs that pay a high enough salary, many of them may feel stress as they try to make ends meet each month. Veterans who are struggling to pay their bills each month may qualify for assistance. There are numerous grants for veterans in New Jersey that can help people get by each month.

Grants differ from loans in that that they do not ever have to be paid back. The grants are largely government funded, and serve the purpose of helping people who are experiencing financial difficulty. Most of the grants provide short term financial assistance. There are a few grant programs that provide long term assistance for veterans.

Types of Grants for Veterans in New Jersey

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) – Formerly known as food stamps, SNAP provides a monthly grant to those who qualify. The grant can be used to purchase food at the farmer’s market and grocery store. Once approved, you will receive a debit-style card, and each month the funds will be electronically applied to it. That card can then be used as your payment source when buying food. To qualify for SNAP, you have to meet the low income requirements, be a citizen or legal immigrant, and show proof of identity. You can apply for SNAP in New Jersey by phone, in person, or online. To apply, click here.

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) – Those who have at least one minor dependent child may qualify for cash assistance through TANF. The program will provide those who qualify with a monthly cash grant that can be used on a variety of living expenses, including clothing, transportation, housing, bills, and more. To program is limited to 60 months for most people. To qualify, you have to meet the low income requirements, be a citizen or legal immigrant, and provide a proof of identity. New Jersey also offers a General Assistance (GA) program for those who need cash assistance and do not have any minor dependent children. You can apply at your local county welfare office or online. To apply, click here.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) – There are energy grants for veterans in New Jersey. Those who need assistance paying their energy bill may qualify for a grant through LIHEAP. The program runs from October 1 to September 30 each year. To qualify, you have to meet the low income requirements. The grants are used to help pay for both heating and cooling bills. The state also offers weatherization services. You can apply by submitting an application to your local Community Action Agency. To apply, click here.

Housing and Urban Development (HUD) – Veterans who need housing assistance in New Jersey may qualify for help through HUD. The HUD programs will help people locate affordable housing, pay rent, avoid foreclosure, and obtain necessary home repairs. They can also help you locate Section 8 and public housing options in your area. To qualify, you have to meet the low income requirements. To apply, you first need to have a phone consultation with a HUD counselor in New Jersey, who will assess your current financial situation and housing needs. To apply, click here.

Lifeline Assistance – There are phone grants for veterans in New Jersey. Those who feel they can’t afford a phone may qualify for help through the Lifeline Assistance program. Those who are approved will only have to pay $9.25 per month for their phone, whether it is a land line or cellular one, and the rest of the bill will be paid through a federal grant. To qualify, you have to meet the low income requirements. To apply, click here.

The grants for veterans in New Jersey provide an important safety net to help them get by during difficult financial times. These federally funded grant programs can help veterans make ends meet while they strive to become self sufficient. There is no limit to the number of grant programs one can apply for in New Jersey, or receive grants from. It’s a good idea to apply for many, to can see which programs you can get assistance from.