Virginia has over 777,000 veterans who call the state home. Veterans living in the state may at times experience financial difficulties. They can be brought on by being between jobs, or by having a job where the salary doesn’t keep pace with the rising cost of living. These situations can create a stressful time for veterans who are struggling to pay their monthly bills. The good news is that there are grants for veterans in Virginia, and they can be helpful during these difficult periods.
Unlike loans, grants never have to be paid back. The government has created numerous grant programs that help those in need, and the funds are essentially considered a gift. There are grants for veterans in Virginia that will help with obtaining food, paying rent, getting cash assistance, and more.
Types of Grants for Veterans in Virginia
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) – Veterans in Virginia who need assistance obtaining food may qualify for a monthly grant through SNAP. The program provides those who qualify with a monthly grant that can be used to pay for groceries at the store or farmer’s market. To qualify for a SNAP grant, you have to meet the low income requirements, be a citizen or legal immigrant, and adhere to the program work requirements. You can apply in person or online. To apply, click here.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) – There are cash grants for veterans in Virginia. The grants through the TANF program are given to families in need, and can be used on a variety of living expenses, including food, rent, clothing, transportation, and more. To qualify for a TANF grant in Virginia, you have to meet the low income requirements, have a dependent child age 18 and under, and be a citizen or legal immigrant. The program places an emphasis on helping families to become self sufficient, so those who qualify for a grant may be asked to participate in work or skills training programs. You can apply in person or online. To apply, click here.
Energy Assistance – Veterans in Virginia who need help paying for their energy bill may qualify for a grant through the Energy Assistance program. The program helps pay for heating and cooling bills for those who are low income. They will also help pay for equipment repairs and replacement, and emergency energy assistance. The window to apply for help with security deposits and equipment grants is November 1 through March 15. The window to apply for a grant to pay the utility bill is the first business day in January through March 15. You can apply online. To apply, click here.
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) – Housing is usually the biggest monthly bill, making it the most difficult to pay. There is housing assistance for veterans in Virginia who need help with paying rent, avoiding foreclosure, and obtaining necessary home repairs. The HUD programs will also help people locate Section 8 and public housing options in their area. To qualify for assistance through HUD you have to have a low income. To start the application process, you have to speak with a HUD counselor in Virginia, who will assess your current financial situation and housing needs. To apply, click here.
Lifeline Assistance – While most people consider having a phone to be essential, if only for emergency purposes, some people may not be able to afford the monthly bill. The government has a grant program that aims at helping to make having a phone affordable for everyone. Veterans who have a low income may qualify for a phone grant through the Lifeline Assistance program. Those who are approved only have to pay $9.25 per month for their phone, whether a cellular or land line, and the government pays the balance each month with a grant. To apply, click here.
The grants for veterans in Virginia are an important safety net that will help those in need during difficult financial times. They will ensure that your basic needs are being met, while you work at improving your financial situation. There are limits on how many grant programs you can apply for or receive funds from, so it’s a good idea to apply for them all and see which ones you get approved for.