LIHEAP Energy Assistance Program for Veterans

There are over 18 million veterans living in the country. At times, they may experience financial difficulty. During those times, they may fall behind on their bills, and need help paying them. One bill that they can get assistance paying is their energy bill. Energy bills typically come from the heating and cooling in the home. The LIHEAP energy assistance program for veterans will help get their energy bills paid when times are tough.

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federally funded program that is available in some variation around the country. The program is referred to as LIHEAP in most states. In some states the program is referred to as the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP). There are other similar variations in other locations around the country, but every state offers some type of federally funded LIHEAP energy assistance program for veterans.

LIHEAP Defined

Some people live in areas around the country where there are temperature extremes. The places become very cold or very hot, making heating or cooling critical. For example, temperatures in Phoenix can reach over 100 degrees in the summer. Maine can get temperatures in the teens or below zero during the winter months. These temperature extremes can be dangerous for people if they do not have air conditioning or heat to help keep them comfortable. As such, the government has created LIHEAP to help ensure that everyone has the energy that they need to stay warm or comfortable during temperature extremes.

The government helps millions of people around the country every year through LIHEAP grants. During 2018, they spent $3.64 billion, and during 2019, they spent $3.69 billion on the grants. Large block grants are given out to LIHEAP administrative organizations around the country, which in turn use the grants to help people pay for their energy bills. The LIHEAP energy assistance program for veterans plays an important role in keeping the energy going for those who are low income and need help.

The LIHEAP energy assistance program for veterans will do more than just help pay energy bills. The program also provides weatherization services, which can help lower your monthly bills. The program will also help those who are low income and need to replace or repair their heating and cooling system.

LIHEAP Qualifications

In order to receive a grant to pay your energy bill, you have to meet the LIHEAP qualifications. The qualifications include being low income, and being the person who is responsible for paying the energy bill. There are low income guidelines that are used to determine if your current income will qualify. The size of the energy grant that you receive depends on the number of people in your household, and your income level. There is a special preference given to those who are disabled, elderly, and/or have young children.

Additional LIHEAP Information

LIHEAP programs are limited in funds around the country, and grants are typically given out on a first come, first serve basis. Each state has an application window that you need to follow when applying. Every state offers winter energy bill assistance, but many also offer summer energy bill assistance, so some states have two application windows.

All LIHEAP energy assistance grants for veterans are paid directly to the energy provider, and your account is credited with the payment. They do not give consumers the grant payment. Most states offer one-time grants per season, while some offer more assistance, depending on your geographic location. You will need to make sure you re-apply for the program each year or each season, so that you continue to get the energy grant for as long as you need and qualify for it.

The LIHEAP energy assistance program for veterans is available to everyone who meets the low income guidelines. To apply for the program, you first need to find out where it is administered in your state. You can get this information online or by contacting your local social services office or local community action office. By applying for a LIHEAP grant you will be taking the first step toward getting help paying your bill, and ensuring you continue to have your energy needs met. To apply, click here.